Salt is probably the oldest and most
"scandalous" seasoning. At the time, it was valued its weight in
gold. Salt has firmly taken its place in the fairy tales, sayings and
superstitions. Only one sign "sprinkle salt - to quarrel" is
worth. Invented a ritual to neutralize the harmful effects! How many
copies of the broken in the battle of opinions about the benefits and dangers
of salt, do not count! Some say that salt is necessary for all living
beings and cite as an example of elk, deer and cows who lick the salt with
great pleasure. Others appeal to the moderation and even complete
rejection of salt, citing numerous studies prove a direct relationship of high
blood pressure and the appearance of edema and other troubles on the amount of
salt consumed. Let's try to understand this delicate matter.
To begin to answer the most frequent question - do salt to our body? Only
one answer, and it is not negotiable. Yes, we have.Moreover - vital! Let
us make a small digression into biochemistry. Salt mainly composed of two
elements - sodium and chlorine. Each of these elements in the body
performs its work. Sodium involved in the maintenance of water and
acid-base balance in the transmission of nerve impulses and in muscle
contraction. Chloro, inter alia, is required for the production of gastric
juice. Chloride, part of the salt, promotes the development of amylase
enzyme necessary for the absorption of carbohydrate-containing foods. By
the way, the salt - it is almost unique and irreplaceable source of chlorine,
as in other food products the content is extremely small. Sol - is a
natural stimulant enzymes. If completely eliminate salt from your diet,
the digestive system deteriorates, you may experience cramps, weakness, loss of
sense of taste, fatigue, shortness of breath and disruption of the heart.
But why, in that case, the consumption of foods with a high content of salt can
increase the risk of of heart disease, liver and kidney, and a diet low in
salt, on the contrary, it is an effective means of preventing the emergence of
edema, reduction of proteinuria, and (increasing the amount of protein in the
urine)? Why very authoritative experts frighten us osteoporosis and
potassium deficiency in the body, and at least respected their opponents argue
that salt-free diet helps get rid of acne and is effective for oily skin? What
is most interesting that all these allegations are true! How can this be? It's
simple: in the heat of a heated debate about the dangers and benefits of salt,
many lose sight of one important fact - refining. Yes, refined products
will ruin us!
Salt also has not escaped refining. Small salt Class
"Extra" - a product of the thermal and chemical treatment.Such a salt
not only loses its original structure and many useful properties, but also
carcinogenic and to cause an increase in blood pressure. Before we get to
our table salt is dried in large ovens at temperatures above 650 ° C! At
this temperature the molecules of salt mad just burst and change their
structure. Then add salt chemical evaporators moisture to dry and salt was
not coalesce into an unappetizing lump. Instead of natural iodine salts
that are removed during processing, a salt is added to pota
ssium iodide, which may be toxic if it is "overeating." To volatile iodine compound did not depart too soon, in the salt added dextrose, iodised salt which gives a pinkish hue. To restore the whiteness of the chemical bleach used ... just a big wash some, by God. As a result, the salt becomes alien to our body. It is this salt causes serious imbalances of our health.There is a paradoxical situation: people who consume a lot of refined salt, salt craving arises. After all, the refined salt does not satisfy the needs of the body in trace elements, and we instinctively reach for the salt, desperately trying to find what we need ... but sodium chlor
ide in the form in which it is converted, after purification and clarification for any living organism - the poison. Marine fish, placed in a solution of ordinary table salt, will not last long.
ssium iodide, which may be toxic if it is "overeating." To volatile iodine compound did not depart too soon, in the salt added dextrose, iodised salt which gives a pinkish hue. To restore the whiteness of the chemical bleach used ... just a big wash some, by God. As a result, the salt becomes alien to our body. It is this salt causes serious imbalances of our health.There is a paradoxical situation: people who consume a lot of refined salt, salt craving arises. After all, the refined salt does not satisfy the needs of the body in trace elements, and we instinctively reach for the salt, desperately trying to find what we need ... but sodium chlor
ide in the form in which it is converted, after purification and clarification for any living organism - the poison. Marine fish, placed in a solution of ordinary table salt, will not last long.
For our bodies need a real, untouched by civilization, and
salt. Sea salt is the best fit for our body and does not cause such
terrible consequences (under moderate consumption of it, of course!). Just
do not say that you have a bunch in the kitchen "real sea" of salt
purchased in the department of healthy food in a supermarket - alas, and this
salt is produced the same barbaric (more precisely, civilized) methods, and it
costs many times more than usual . Such is the double deception.
We are talking about a real sea salt. It is this salt, dried naturally in
the sun, it contains elements of marine flora and fauna, of which our body
receives organic forms of iodine. Iodine in such forms remains in the body
fluids within a few weeks. According to the theory of acid-base balance,
almost all chronic diseases - is the result of acidification of the blood,
lymph and tissues of our body. A real sea salt is one of the alkaline
elements needed by the body. In addition, natural sea salt by only 85-95%
consists of sodium chloride, the rest - are all possible compounds whose native
composition of our liquid (plasma, blood, sweat, tears) with seawater. Sea
salt contains almost the entire periodic table, excluding gas, and this element
84, and approximately 200 chemical compounds!The composition of the crystal sea
salt is so complicated that a person has not yet managed to create it
artificially. Yes, nature is still the best chemist than a man.
our country the vast reserves of salt. By type of domestic salt production
is divided into 4 types:
• Stone - mined mine and quarry methods. It
is clean, dry salt, it contains a high percentage of sodium chloride - 98-99%.
• Evaporated - Brine extracted from the earth
and evaporated to give the salt. The content of sodium chloride in it as
high - 98-99,8%.
• Sedimentary - formed by the evaporation of sea
water or salt lake water in special pools. It features a lower content of
sodium chloride - 94-98%. In addition, such a salt is much more than other
ions, so it may differ in taste.
• Deposited lump - extracted from
the bottom of salt lakes. This salt is deposited on the bottom naturally. Lake
Baskunchak - the largest deposit of the salt in our country. The
sedimentary and salt deposited lump least sodium chloride, so it is this salt
is considered to be the most beneficial for health. Any salt - is the
former seabed. From sea salt with iodine is literally nourished, Russian
salt differs its absence. Therefore, pay attention to the exotic Himalayan
pink, red Hawaiian, Papuan black, French or English healing salt (not to be
confused with a laxative!).
The best, some experts believe the French sea
salt. For example, CelticSeaSalt - it is slightly damp grayish salt,
wherein the concentration of nutrients is recognized as one of the highest in
the world. Another fork of the French salt - Fleur de sel - harvested by
hand from the surface of the water.It looks like a flower petals (which is
reflected in the title). Sel Gris Grey contains valuable antioxidants, a
special taste of the salt contained in it gives oceanic microalgae Dinaliella
salina. Salt mixed with seaweed, herbs, slices of dried vegetables. It
turns out fragrant and useful seasoning. The French even smoked sea salt
on his sliver of the old oak barrels from the chardonnay, in the end it turns
out just a delicacy smoked flavor to the wine.
Pink Himalayan salt
(halite) - it is a pure crystalline salt, formed over 250 million years ago. This
salt contains copper, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and many other
minerals. It is due to iron Himalayan salt has a pink hue. On a plate
of pink Himalayan salt can be prepared as a frying pan. Just put on a
heated plate of salt a piece of meat or fish and fry as usual. Salt is not
To The red Hawaiian salt owes its color istolchёnnoy
fine clay that is mixed with ordinary sea salt. This salt is not as salty
and longer dissolves.Hawaiian salt is mined manually by evaporation of the salt
lagoons. Variety Hawaiian salt - black - is particularly rich in minerals
due to the impurity of the smallest particles of volcanic ash. Indian
black salt is not black, but rather pink. It contains a lot of sulfur and
other minerals, and its smell and taste strongly reminiscent of spiced egg. It
is because of the smell of Indian salt is not for all dishes, but the
assurances of naturopaths, it is easily excreted from the body and is deposited
in the joints.
The Papuans mined salt rather original
way: they collected in the sea wooden poles impregnated with salt water, and
burned at the stake. Salt was obtained with a high content of activated
carbon, making it an excellent absorber of such salt, and potassium, sulfur,
iron, and other trace elements. The taste of her little egg that not
everyone likes.
And in Russia since ancient times prepared Chetvergova salt
- too black. The process of preparing such a salt was rather laborious:
common salt mixed with jingoistic-grounds, green cabbage leaves, rye flour and
wild herbs and fired in a kiln. Our ancestors were far wiser than we -
knowing nothing about the chemistry and biology, they purified salt from all
harmful organic compounds, heavy metals, and excess chlorine. Black salt
is enriched with calcium and finely porous coal, the salt retains water less
than normal in the tissues of the body and removes toxins.
During the preparation of different dishes salt is used in different ways. For
example, some rules:
• Broth solite before the end of cooking, or the meat
in it will be tough.
• Vegetable and fish broth salt to immediately after
• Salads solite before to fill them with oil - salt is poorly
soluble in oil.
• Water for boiling pasta solite before dip them in
boiling water, or pasta sticks, even if you will wash them well with hot water
after cooking.
• Potatoes solite immediately after boiling water.
Chips solite before the end of cooking. If you salt it before, then slices
will nepodzharistymi and soft.
• Beets when cooking is better not to salt
it already delicious.
• Meat frying salt to the moment when it is formed
crackling, otherwise it will lose its juice and hard .
• The fish salt for 10-15
minutes before cooking and wait until the salt is well absorbed, then the fish
will not fall apart during cooking.
• Dumplings, dumplings and dumplings
at the beginning of salt to cooking.
• If you accidentally overdo soup,
before the end of cooking lower in a gauze bag of rice for 5 minutes - Figure
"will take" the excess salt.
About iodized
salt should be discussed separately. The fact that it is impossible to
pickle cucumbers, have long been known - cucumbers are soft, flaccid. So
it is believed that iodized salt should be added to cooked dishes and salads,
as under the influence of high temperature iodine evaporates. True, but if
you decide to bake homemade bread with iodized salt, most of the iodine will
remain in the final product.
What if the doctor has prescribed you a
salt-free diet? Raw foodists easiest - their bodies are able to produce
their own desired minerals from plant foods and iodine are prepared from raw
seaweed. If you are not a supporter of the raw food, the first thing
totally abstain from the use of refined salt. This means that cheese,
sausage, mayonnaise, ketchup, all fast food should just disappear from your
diet. Try not to buy bread in the store, bake your, home, mixed with bran
on natural mineral water. The dough can be added onion juice, cumin and
other spices. Pasta without salt there can not be - do not eat! And
the figure is more useful. A couple of fish and potatoes in their skins do
not require salt. Eat more of lemon and apple juice, herbs, onions,
garlic, fresh vegetables, fresh and dried seaweed - all sources of natural
salt. Rub 1 part salt to 12 parts of crushed sesame or flax seed - will
gimmassio, useful and tasty seasoning. Initially, it will be very
difficult, but eventually you get used to the taste of natural food and it will
become a connoisseur. In any case, remember the least. A healthy
person should consume no more than 4 grams of salt per day (this takes into
account the hidden salt in manufactured food products and semi-finished
products). And more: a lethal dose of salt for all of us - only 30 grams. like
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