"White Death" or medicine

After the release of the book "The shocking truth about salt," released in light of the famous American nutritionist Paul Bragg, naturist, many people refused to salt, supporting the idea. In his book Bragg said that a plurality of water saturated with inorganics such as calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, and many others who believe our body. The author claimed that all his life drank only distilled water obtained by evaporation, and did not contain any impurities were.
But as you know, every idea there are both supporters and opponents. They found, and on this idea, the idea of ​​living without salt. Later, the world learned about Dr. Batmanhellidzhe and his work on the benefits of water intake of salt, and many came to the confusion by such contradictory information received.
The debate about the benefits and dangers of salt lasting more than one century. So let's sort out the aspects soleedeniya and thereby dot the "i".

What is the salt and why we need it?
Known to any chemist compound sodium chloride it is popularly referred to as table salt. All living beings, in order to maintain the body in good conditions and well-being, you need a certain amount of salt intake. So, sodium is designed to maintain the water-salt balance in the body, helping trace elements to nourish the body, seeping through the walls of the cell membranes. Without sodium is poor absorption of nutrients, as well as failures occur in the nervous system and muscle spasms. The lack of sodium is especially dangerous heart muscle. Chlorine is indispensable in the gastric juices help break down fat and promote the growth of bone, nervous and reproductive system. Both components of the salt are absolutely in all body tissues, and their need for a person says is an indisputable fact of sodium and chlorine in human breast milk.

The salt in the food. Marine or stone?
We all know the sodium (rock) salt, a frequenter of Russian cuisine and a favorite of the majority of people in Russia.Keep this natural treasure in the earth's crust, forming it in the draining of ancient seas.
Major rock salt is prepared dishes made add some salt in their cooking. Use it for domestic preparations. Salt is added to the finely ground plate just before eating.
The natural color of this salt is very dark, so it is subject to the production of chemical bleaching occurring at very high temperatures. To salt is not damp, it should be stored in a dry place, tightly corked.
It is believed that rock salt is not very useful, and therefore actively avoid people pursuing the idea of ​​a healthy diet.However, salt is not only a stone, its origin and destination are very diverse. Thus, in a dietary salt, sodium was partially replaced by potassium and magnesium. Due to the unusual taste, this calls for a salt addiction. Produce and salt with herbs and spices. This type of salt is very popular in Japanese and Asian cuisine.
Sea salt is very strongly recommended by nutritionists, syskivaya yourself a lot of positive reviews. It contains not only sodium chloride, but also salts of magnesium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, manganese and many other useful substances. This is because the sea water is very rich in various trace elements. Obtained by evaporation, it is more useful and suitable in composition person.
None of the laboratories in the world have not managed to unravel the structure of a crystal of sea salt to the end, because it is a very complex structure.
Because of the salty taste, sea salt is consumed more sparingly, which can not fail to please mistresses.
Sea salt used not only in food, but also in improving the skin, taking with it healing sea bath. Since many areas of Russia suffering iodine deficiency, the health system was adopted decide decree of the artificial enrichment of salt with iodine.So the stores a new, iodized salt.
It is believed that the salt is white, but it is not always the case. In the world there are different colors of salt, for example, rich in enzymes, iron and other substances black crude salt, which is mined in the fields of hydrogen sulfide. The pink salt is a rare and very expensive, so it can afford not all segments of the population.

How much salt can be used?
As we have seen, the salt is really necessary for our body. But how much salt to consume in order to feel good about themselves? WHO experts was appointed to the recommended dosage of salt, which is equal to 5 m. So much goes with moderate salty food, provided that the person does not abuse smoked, canned and house preparations. In hot climates and intense exercise increases the need for salt.
Desalting of food equals bad peresolivaniyu, and leads to many diseases. Do not forget that the modern industrial food contains a sufficiently large number of so-called "hidden" salt in order to reduce the recommended, experts of the World Health Organization, salt intake to 1 to 2 grams. per day.

Salt in Russia
Sol - one of the oldest substances on earth. From our ancestors we got truly popular expressions such as "eat a peck of salt", "salt of the earth", "empty-handed", etc. In Russia, salt was considered the lot of the rich and not allowed the luxury for the poor. Later, its appearance on the tables of the peasants, was perceived as a holiday. Grains of salt carefully gathered from the table after a meal, back to the salt shaker. Apparently in those days and there was a sign that says that spilling salt is a quick brawl.
The beneficial effects of moderate consumption of salt is useful not only man, but also animals. So give milkmaids cows to lick salt stone to increase the impact of milk, and salt love deer, it has long been noted by hunters. Hunter, who knew the place where the salt marshes, never came home without a deer.
History of salt in Russia very entertaining. Now salt is not as expensive as before and she found another use, today's children do crafts from it, adding salt to the flour and water, hardens they become very strong and are able to serve a long time.

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